The creator of the PowrTOOLS for PowerBBS presents…

Updated: February 22, 2020 01:02 AM

PowerGenerator v2.0 & the PGForms Add-On v1.0! Released on Dec. 1, 1997! Featuring more than 40 major Additions & Enhancements!!!

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PG2 New Features!

Notably NEW in PG v2.0!!!:

NEW PGForms Add-On!!!

(Click here for more info, downloading and ordering of the PGForms Add-On)

When used with PG2, this new Add-On allows you to add 6 new Forms Objects to your PowerGenerator screens!! A Submit button will then run any CGI-type EXE using the data that the user has inputed into the new objects!

Great for 3rd Party Developers, the PGForms application makes the creation of applications for use with PBBS a breeze! You'll no longer have to create complicated sets of DLL's and send them to the user! Use a simple EXE instead, created in any language you like!!

 New Objects available in PG2 when PGForms is 'Activated':

FORMS Dropdown Listbox
FORMS Text Input
FORMS Multiline Text Input
FORMS Checkbox
FORMS Radio Option Button
FORMS Buttons (for Submit and Reset Form)

NEW Scrolling PowerGenerator Screens!!!

Add Vertical and/or Horizontal scroll bars to any PowerGenerator screen!

Allows you to create long scrolling PG screens of unlimited lengths! Just like an HTML screen! You can now set the following new properties on the Screen object:

- ScrollBars (No, Vertical Only, Vertical & Horizontal)
- ScrollableHeight (How long a screen will Vertically scroll)
- ScrollableWidth (How wide a screen will Horizontally scroll)

NEW Objects!!!

Animated & Transparent Images!

Finally, you can use Animated and Transparent GIF's on PowerGenerator screens!!!

Scrolling Text object!

Just like an HTML scrolling Marquee!!! Built in to PG2! Includes the following new props…

- Delay (How long between moves)
- Grain (How many pixels for each move)
- LoopText (If text keeps looping, or moves just once)
- Direction (Right to Left or Left to Right)

Rotated Text object!

Display caption text at any angle on the screen!

NEW Colors!!!

 Full 256+ color palette now allowed for FontColors, BackColors, Borders etc.!!

NEW Fonts!!!

Use any Font on your system! If it's not on the users system, the Font will be sent to them in real time AutoMagically!!!

NEW Properties!!!

'FontUnderline' property!

Now available on the Caption object and new Scrolling Text and Rotated Text objects so you can make HTML-like underlined Hotspots!

NEW PGen Commands!!!

 'Open a Chat Room'

Opens a specific permanently defined Chat Room.

 'Run a Questionnaire'

Runs a specific defined PBBS Questionnaire

NEW Interface Enhancements and Design Improvements!!!

All new easier to use Properties window!

Just think of all the clicks you'll save! Includes new stuff allowing you to see the Colors chosen, as well as Font, FontStyle and Text props shown with appropriate Font/FontStyle!

Set the 'Left', 'Top', 'Width' and 'Height' Props directly on the Props Window!

Set them for one or more selected objects all at once! Makes aligning/resizing objects easier than ever! As well as...

'Align Top', 'Align Bottom', 'Align Left' and 'Align Right' added to EDIT menu!

Use the new Edit options for easy line-up of multiple-objects!

Right-clicking (or double-clicking) on an object brings up the Props Window!

Never go hunting for that Props Window again!…

Middle-button click brings up the ToolBox window!

…Or the ToolBox either!

Resize the Edit Text window (when setting a Text property)

Makes entering multi-line text into a Caption or other object much easier!

New smaller, tidier Title Bars on Toolbox and Props Windows!

Most notably needed in Win95/NT since they like to add all of those extra buttons etc. to the windows Title Bars. But in helps in Win3.11 though also!

NEW Setup Options!!!

Added option: "Confirm overwrite of existing Screen files."

Save clicks by avoiding PG's "Overwrite?" dialog box when saving files!

Added option: "Save overwritten Screen files as *.OLD."

You are no longer forced to keep *.OLD copies of screens if you don't want to! But if you do…

*.OLD screens are now saved to a special directory!

Your Screens directory no longer needs to get mucked up with *.OLD files! Increases PBBS startup time too!

Added option: "Show FileName in PG Title Bar."

The filename of the screen you are working on, always at your fingertips!

Notably Fixed in PG2:

Corrected the double-icons and missing Min button problem in Win95.
Fixed some issues that could cause the deadly "Subscript Out of Range" error when working with Listboxes, particularly with multiple screens open.
Fixed "(none)" Command bug where it didn't work properly previously.
Correction to problem where both ToolBox and Props windows could not "Stay On Top" both at the same time! They will now!

Download PG2 Now! Download the PGForms Add-On Now!
PG2 Upgrades & New Orders! PGForms Info, Applications & Orders!
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